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Virtual Summer Morning Yoga Immersion

Virtual Summer Morning Yoga Immersion


Monday, June 15 - Friday, June 19

Zoom Meeting every morning 6:30 – 8:00 am

Sliding Scale: $10–$100
Venmo: @Meghan_Maris

The summer solstice is soon approaching and it is time to prepare! During the period of the solstice, the energy in the etheric field is charged with prana providing us with the gift of vitality to sew the seeds of our intentions. To clarify what our intentions may be, it would be wise to spend time over the next few weeks to reflect, assess, clear out, and call in what will support your spiritual growth and evolution. 

This particular solstice seems to hold a bit more weight as our world is deeply grieving, overwhelmed with “not knowing” and once again, ideologically divided. The small self so desperately wants certainty and the discomfort of unpredictability floods it with fear. Often when we are fearful, we revert back to familiar patterns of behavior even when those patterns are unproductive and, perhaps, even harmful.

In our current crisis, so many of us long for things to “go back to normal.” But this premise is an illusion. Illusions are static images that we hold in our mind. They are created when we imagine things should be a particular way, but the image in our mind is not what is actually occurring. The attachment we have to our illusion pulls us out of the present, where we might be able to see our circumstances realistically. Illusions  require psychic energy to hold them in place stifling our creativity and vitality. To open our mind to insight and creativity, we have to release what was, to create the space for something new to arrive. The past is the past, but the present shapes our future reality.

Our task during the Morning Yoga Immersion will be to deconstruct the filters of our conditioning through practices which calm and focus the mind. When the mind is free of distraction, we discover deeper levels of meaning by looking beyond what is apparent. Our insights birth our visions and our visions inspire us to focus our attention in order to actualize them.


We will meet via Zoom for our sessions together. If weather and wifi permit, perhaps you may want to move your mat outside and commune with the rising sun. This may not be feasible nor practical, but since we are outside of the walls of the studio, we can test new ways of practicing together. If you do have time to borrow or buy yoga blocks, a strap and blanket, these props will be an aid to our practice. I have plenty of props if anyone would like to borrow some from me!

In order to make this opportunity available for all, I am offering this course on a sliding scale. Please pay what feels appropriate, given your current situation. The suggestion is $10 - $100. Donations accepted through Venmo: @Meghan_Maris 

April 22

Friends Together Awake: A Healing Journey of Personal and Collective Transformation

June 20

Virtual Summer Solstice 108 Sun Salutations & Yin