40 Days: A Practice of Self-Discovery
Sundays, 12:30 – 2:00PM
October 8, 15, 22, 29
November 5, 12, 19
“The word pariṇāma, or transformation, is the most frequently used word in the Yoga Sūtra. It is a constant reminder of our natural state of change and evolution.”
– Dr. Zoë Slatoff
The format of this program is intended to offer guidance and be a supportive foundation for establishing a daily commitment to yoga practice and self reflection. Each week, we will gather as a community for yoga philosophy, guidance, discussion, support, and encouragement for the journey ahead.
Throughout the 40 days, you will have unlimited mat classes at The Practice Space to strengthen your commitment as you gain perspective from the studio’s skilled teachers. Weekly guidance will be provided in the community meetings to establish a daily meditation and āsana practice on days when you cannot make it into the studio. We will be reading T.K.V. Desikachar’s book The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice accompanied by journaling questions for further contemplation and which will guide our weekly discussions.
The purpose of this program is to experience the transformative effects of dedicated practice. To assist us within this process, we will gather as a community to share our experiences, learn from one another, and gain further insights into yoga philosophy. We will begin with where we are, but through the 40 days, we will be addressing all aspects of our being through dedicated practices and lifestyle refinements. Our efforts will provide us the opportunity to discover things about ourselves that are hidden beneath the surface of our conscious mind. When we can see ourselves with greater clarity, we can make lasting changes to support our growth and well-being.